Lockdown has affected many of my friends and colleagues in the industry – live artists, sound engineers, other studios, music libraries, theatre sound designers etc.
But the very nature of my work means that a lot of it is remote working – I work with solo artists, do soundtrack work, sound effects and provide voiceover artists, all without needing to see people, and things have ticked over pretty well.
However, when recording a song, there is nothing like actually being in the studio with someone, so I’m delighted to say that I’ll be opening my doors again from Monday 6th July.
There will be precautions, though. I am a family man and my wife has asthma so we can’t afford to be complacent, especially in an air-tight studio room!

With that in mind, here are the measures I’m taking:
Only one person allowed in the studio with me at any time. Keep the 96-piece orchestras at home for now.
A distance of at least one metre is required at all times. I know you want to hug me when I get the reverb right but now is not the time.
Entrance will be through the side passage, rather than the front door. It’s fine; it kind of makes you feel like a famous person sneaking in through the back door.
There will be plenty hand gel for everyone coming in and out of the studio, so please use liberally. My wife bought a huge tub of it after seeing the alcohol content, thinking it was a particularly potent gin.
I will be placing shielding foam on microphones, which will be replaced for each singer. You can take your foam home if you really want to. A bit like a souvenir.
Please bring your own drinks and food. No famous Ben pasta or cups of tea at the moment, I’m afraid!
I’ll be wiping the settees with disinfectant wipes after you use them. That makes you feel good, doesn’t it?
Finally, it goes without saying, but if you are ill in any way – whether that’s with Covid symptoms or anything else – please stay away. We can always reschedule. The same goes if you are living with someone who is ill or have any contact with them.
I look forward to seeing you all in July, and beyond!